Depth : 15

Type : Reef

minimum requirements : Tobia Al Kabeir

Marine Life : Tobia Al Kabeir


Tobia Al Kabeir is reachable in 15 minutes by speedboat from our base.
A large rectangular reef sitting on a flat sandy seabed; to the south annexed by two large pinnacles, and one small.
The east wall of the main reef is an explosion of some of the best marine life the Read Sea has to offer and some beautiful corals. You will find groupers, tangs, surgeonfish, unicornfish and anemones teeming with clownfish. On the sandy bottom flanking the reefyou find blue spotted rays nd flatfish like moses sole. The pinnacles in the south have cracks and holes where glassfish hide from hungry lionfish and jackfish. Triggerfish are patrolling over the bottom and in the summer dolphins sometimes drop by.

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