Depth : 5 - 32 m

Difficulty : Beginner

Type : Wreck

minimum requirements : -

Marine Life : Shaab Abu Nuhas is home to several wrecks, a great marine life, and beautiful hard and soft corals.


Carnatic Wreck
In September 1869, the Carnatic, under the command of Captain P. B. Jones, set sail from Suez to Bombay with 34 passengers, general cargo, Royal Mail, and £40,000 in unfinished coins for the Indian Mint. On 12 September 1869, the ship struck Sha’ab Abu Nuhas Reef and became firmly stuck. After two days, the ship broke in two and sank, resulting in the loss of 5 passengers and 26 crew members. Survivors were rescued by the SS Sumatra. Contrary to rumors, the Carnatic was not carrying gold; all valuable specie was recovered by British diver Stephen Saffrey. Known as the “Bottle Wreck” due to the large number of wine bottles found, the Carnatic lies parallel to the reef on her port side at a depth of 25-27 meters. The wooden superstructure has rotted away, leaving a steel hull with iron cross-members, allowing divers to enter. The bows feature a large ring and a curved metal support where a figurehead was mounted. The stern has lifeboat davits, seven square windows, a rudder, and a large propeller. The wreck was discovered by Adrian O'Neil in 1985 and identified by Lawson Wood.

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